Face your waste

Project promoting International Food Waste Day 2021

Property partner - Wellington City Council

Location: Container on the Corner of Willis and Bond Streets, Wellington

Dates: 29 September - 4 October 2021

Activators: Volunteers from NZ Food Waste Champions Group of Citizens

Photography: Linda Lee

Website: NZCahmpoins123.org

A clear box was filled with food scraps that started empty and was filled throughout the week by individuals and businesses to demonstrate the magnitude and surrounding issues of Food Waste in an engaging way.

The kaupapa of this project was to shed light on the growing issue and impacts of food waste amongst our communities and workplaces. A visually engaging, 'living' project evolved and changed throughout the week, and hooked people in to discussion.

Volunteers and resources were available to educate the public on what can be done and how to help eliminate food waste in their communities and places of work. The aim was to have every single person who came past to leave again with at least one actionable thing to do to help mitigate food loss and waste.
