Two Artists, Three Works, One Crisis

Bek Coogan and Heleyni Pratley are presenting two solo works, along with a collaborative

‘Panel Discussion’ event, in response to the current Housing Crisis. Prepare!

Property Partner: Wellington City Council

Location: 115 Manners Street, Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Dates: 26 November 2021 - 28 February 2022

Photography: John Lake

Two of Wellingtons many mega wahine BABES…are taking on the housing crisis, HARD…!! Are you hard out…? 

WE are the materials…


Our feelings are so HARD

They could hold up your ROOF.

And as for the investment ‘ladder’

We dig holes.

So yeah…

Do you want the news or do you want the REAL NEWS ?

We will demystify

With our bodies, outfits, wits, heart and brains, we are going to deliver the news that is not being told.

Using real life people, real life situations, 

Including the landfill bulging with tragic house demolitions, ETC

We will ask the question


(that’s a question eh..?)

We might get banned from some public institutions…

But it’s nothing we haven’t encountered before.The Panel

IT will all be filmed and then played on the NEWS at “THE PANEL DISCUSSION”

We will also provide action,

BECAUSE INACTION is part of the crisis….

So this ART is a call for action

Feelings are in The Real News !!

Will they help re:build the future..?

For More Information on the three works - click The Original Homeless, A Works About The Housing Crisis With An Indoor Outdoor Flow and The Panel

A project Commissioned by urban Dream brokerage